Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lucky Day

I visited my local library yesterday -- a very small library in a very small town. In fact, the library is located in the elementary school, so it's only open between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. But I discovered a great feature that my little library offers -- a bookshelf labeled Lucky Day. I asked the librarian what that meant and she explained that these were popular new titles designated for this library alone; they had to stay right here in town. In other words, they couldn't be requested from other libraries via inter-library loan.

These books can't be renewed and they can't be put on hold. When they come back in they get put on the Lucky Day shelf for the next lucky person to check out.

I was so excited that I checked out more books than I should have. Inheritance alone is 850 pages! I should be reading that on my Kindle. Maybe if I don't work or sleep I can get through all three -- plus the other two books I checked out. Ha.

Here were my Lucky Day Books:

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